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Showing posts from November, 2020

African Spiritual technologies by Simone

 So so pleased to have Simone on the show. Simone's a multi entrepreneur, street wise Londoner in New York working in media, at least that's what I thought when I first this cool lady. It wasnt long before i got to see a seriously deeply spiritual fun loving women who has created some amazing products using African spiritual technologies. But what stunned me was the quality, care and attention to detail. before i got to know this was all I knew Simone Bresi-Ando is a multi-hyphenate global PR expert and serial entrepreneur. She has created unique healing and spiritual tools using West African ancestral technologies through her Bresi-Ando Tools for Living brand. This perfectly marries her passion for giving a voice to the unheard, a platform to the unseen and new narratives to the misrepresented. The work stands as a love letter to the diaspora helping combat harmful systems and ideologies. Bresi-Ando Tools For Living™ is a spiritual tools lifestyle brand with a West African cor

The Triple S Show

Here is the recording of last of thursday's new show. THE TRIPLE S SHOW This show actually came about because of Chakra work that i have been doing. I realized that There was no way I could get all the Chakras where and how they need to be without acknowledging the role of sexuality and femininity in this plus size avatar body I'm currently wearing.  Meeting and working with the vivacious, beautiful, funny and confident plus size model Kaisa Henriikka​ over the last 3 years has been so much and has reminded me of  all the 'Sex Fun' I had before motherhood. So now my boy is 18 and has flown the nest, I hope you will all join me in an exploration and unpacking of sex, gender and sex, sensuality in a plus size body, taboos, myths and so so much more ! I hope you enjoy the first episode. .please share with your adult friends and subscribe to our YouTube channel

The 7 Hermetic Principles of Thoth. Presented by Yaw Fosu

Here is the 1st episode of a new exciting series for the new initiates ! The 7 Hermetic Principles of Thoth presented by Yaw Fosu​ Yaw used many of the great books to tell the story of Thoth, Tehuti,  Hermes Trismegistus. God of wisdom, science, and medicine and so much more, But what are the 7 Hermetic principles that some believe go back as far as 50,000 years ? What do they mean? Why are they important ? And how can they lead to a successful and fulfilled life  ? subscribe to our channel and watch Yaw's last series All You Need to Know About Chakras

What is Complex PTSD ? FIRE FROM THE SUN

Complex PTSD and modalities to combat the effects, with Charley Elliott ...

Charley Elliot suffered a traumatic childhood which prompted a curiosity in mental health. Charley has more than 20 years working in mental health, rehab & recovery and engagement services as well as being on a 10 year spiritual and community activism journey. but its only in the last 7 years that she was able to diagnose her own trauma as Complex PTSD and this prompted her on a journey to learn a variety of modalities to recover from Complex PTSD. Charley employs a huge bag of tools to aid in her personal and client healing. these include; Non violent communication, Byron Katie's The Work, Psychedelics and more. please share our video, like our facebook page and subscribe to our youtube channel you can contact Charley at If you'd like to donate, to the growth of our channel so we can bring you more transformational shows. Your contribution will help us to continue to put out information which inspires well-being and I believe is life changin

Ayurvedic Astrology with Pavati ParulKali

  Im so excited about my guest on Monday 16th November on FIRE FROM THE SUN A tour through Vedic Astrology                with  Parulkali Veda  Also known as Parvati.  Parvati is an experienced healer, guide and coach who uses the knowledge and practice of Vedic Astrology, Vedic Counseling, Ayurveda and Vedanta to help clients see the root of their karmic life obstacles and gives clear and effective remedial measures on how to help overcome them quickly. She has a poular youtube channel where she gives regular new moon and full moon readings. She also points back to your place of power and guides you to realize how to access it for your personal healing journey. To “know thyself” is the cornerstone of her work. I had a reading with her last month and it was a profound experience. Her insight and guidance is part of my plans for the rest of this year and 2021 But our first meeting was so much fun and will stay with me forever,

JJ Rawlings Dead, He was not my hero

  Interesting seeing the tributes to JJ Rawlings who died on the 12th November 2020. I wonder about his lasting legacy. I have a biased view of his reign and find it hard to forget the pain of his coups and direction he sent Ghana in. I remember he and his soldiers  blamed Ghana's powerful market women for the country's wows and so they flogged market women in public, killed judges, locked up and tortured journalists, and shot politicians. I was about 9 when Rawlings and his band of not so merry men took over Ghana. I don't know if Ghana was in a bad way, I was a child, but  remember that my life changed after the 1979 coup and was never the same again. My parents had lived in the UK for 10 years as was their plan and they returned home to Ghana in 1976. I was 6 years old. I loved my new home Ghana, I went to a private school and my dad worked for the timber marketing board.  We ate breakfast and supper at the dinning table, had a house boy who swept the house and an older

Baba Siete Saudadedes, Nganga Bukhosi Bhekizulu. Priest in Afro-American...

this week on  FIRE FROM THE SUN we talked to  His Eminence Baba Siete Saudades, Nganga Bukhosi Bhekizulu, is a renowned spiritualist, Baba Siete is the inheritor of potent ancestral gifts common to his family lineage, he displayed the gift of prophecy and second sight as a child and has not stopped. his mother tells the story of the 3 year old Siete telling a  super market shopper to go home because there was a women in 'her' house with 'her husband' from that moment on  Baba Siete's gifts grew and by age 14 he was giving tarot readings in school ! Baba Siete is initiated into many different African and American spiritual lineages. He was a great guest and we learned all  about the Afro-American religiospiritual tradition known as Hoodoo or Conjure and also is an initiate of many the water deities.  He  talks in depth about his work divining, doing readings making conditioning soaps, back to sender, cleansings, gris gris and protection.  This is one of my favorite i


. Yaw explains the 7 major Chakras and takes you through the Kemetic, Mayan and other ancient knowledge of these energy centers known in Sanskrit as Chakras. In this first episode he concentrates on the Root Chakra and he gives a viewer a live reading. Yaw explains how you to change the focus of your energy so you can direct & balance your chakras. He will tell you what tools you'll need so you can create new pathways to balance your own chakras every day. Through the regular use of these tools one will have self mastery to balance your own chakras which will enable your spirit to heal your body, recreate your mind, physicality, thus self manifested reality. Yaw is now holding Chakra alignment meditations for the public. Its limited to 4 places per session. The meditation is performed live via zoom and takes 45 to 1.20mins and is followed by a private 20min phone conversation where Yaw will tell you all about your Chakras and what you now need to do to continue the alignmen