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Why setting intentions ahead of taking psychedelics is important. A practical guide

When choosing to work with psychedelic medicines first decide if you are going to take a spiritual or 3D world question to the medicine. To a certain extent it doesn't matter the direction. The medicine will reveal to you what you need to let go off and continue to do so as to be able to get closer to where or what you want. To this end It's important to have an intension This is the 1st leg of a 4 cornered process. 1st corner: Intension & preperation of mind body & soul. 2nd: the medicine & trip 3rd : intergration 4th: the work I'll go into detail below on each of the corners. 1. Identify the problem you would like to go away or change. It's important to identify 'why' you are sitting with a medicine. Without a 'why' you are in some senses choosing to stay where you are, or too fearful to engage fully. It's important to remove your block. There are ways to call forward your why. I encourage people to go in with a view of getti
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Pride in London​ NEW OFFICAL STATEMENT We Pride in London are prepared to acknowledge that after 500 years of worldwide imperialism & capitalist based on inequality and division created by white organisations. It is likely that we have behaved in racist and unequal ways towards POC. We are in contact with Dr Robin DiAngelo the author of 'White Fragility' and Jane Elliot to help us to understand where and how our racism rises and most importantly what we can do about it. We also acknowledge that as an institution that has not been able to listen to black and POC who have been in the organisation for many years it is best that we get white people to teach us where we have gone wrong as we are unlikely to be able to handle news of our racist behaviour from POC. We are now ready to start a full 3 month in-depth anti racism course and really look forward to being the first British institution to admit to racism and did the work required to stamp it out. We apologise
In 2007 while studying to be a Bachelor of Music in the UK Stefan's wise older brother gifted two inspirational books. First, "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Buddhist monk Thich Naht Hahn, on the beauty & simplicity of life with more awareness. From the first chapter the author encourages conscious breathing, a habit which remained with Stefan for the rest of the book and increasingly in life. The second was, of course a simple book on yoga and pranayama, a basic manual which he absorbed and passed on before remembering the title. Probably his first yoga instruction would then have been, "read this and then do it, it's great". Initially the practice was serving well as a cure to muscular pain from playing Soccer, Squash, Surfing, Rocking Out and doing Judo. After some short time he realised that the practice was not just relieving bodily aches and pains, but emotional suffering too. In those fleeting moments on the mat he started to notice peculiar s

Why Im No Longer Dancing with Racism

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African Spiritual technologies by Simone

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The Triple S Show

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The 7 Hermetic Principles of Thoth. Presented by Yaw Fosu

Here is the 1st episode of a new exciting series for the new initiates ! The 7 Hermetic Principles of Thoth presented by Yaw Fosu​ Yaw used many of the great books to tell the story of Thoth, Tehuti,  Hermes Trismegistus. God of wisdom, science, and medicine and so much more, But what are the 7 Hermetic principles that some believe go back as far as 50,000 years ? What do they mean? Why are they important ? And how can they lead to a successful and fulfilled life  ? subscribe to our channel and watch Yaw's last series All You Need to Know About Chakras