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Why Im No Longer Dancing with Racism


This story begun after the George Floyd killing. Prior to that day Id been enjoying the global retreat, working on my Chakras by grounding, affirmations and meditating like a monk. Why? Because my brother is a healer who realigns Chakras which helps to rewire your brain. We as siblings had been using the time to do some concentrated inner work. According to my brother's gifts black women can have a more stagnant root chakra, so i was determined to get mine aligned and in good working order, after all if the foundations are not good then the rest of the building is not safe.

At the same time i had noticed that for the first 3 to 4 weeks into the global retreat there had been no racism stories in the press, this coupled with the restrictions in work and travel brought an even more welcome relief from racism. My friends and family discussed in happy tones the sense of relief to be in this new reality. Do you remember that at the start of the COVID story, they said that black people were not getting COVID? We were really happy not to have black people or Africa implicated in an international catastrophe. AIDS has been a hard one to live down. As China took the flack the black world breathed a sigh of relief.

Coincidentally I was writing a workshop on combatting racism by understanding the roles we play as individuals, acting in accordance with the institutional racist norms in our given sector. My Theory is that racism is encouraged and maintained by institutional norms, which are carried out in an atmosphere of encouraged ignorance by individuals.

As part of this work I identified that racism was a need that arose out of international extractive capitalism. Which has for the last 500 years hidden behind a science that says racism is the white man's inability to see other humans with a different hue as humans with inalienable rights in society. In effect extractive capitalism hid behind 'a white wall" of institutions, which does its bidding by maintaining the rules of racism. Once you're employed by an institution its pretty hard to act outside of its racist culture regardless your individual hue.

My aim was to reveal how the machine works so the individual can work out for themselves how they are serving the interests of racism, so that they can devise a plan of action to extricate themselves from this story.

Racism as an institution has created research, writings, riots, demonstrations, music, poetry and theatre, heros, villans, statues, paintings, murders, lynchings, fetishes and triumphs as people fought to prove that the hued man was in fact as human as the white man. None of this has really worked because they reveal what racism is but keep everyone away from the 'why racism' is.

My workshop was to reveal how this  misdirection has kept hued people as victims who mostly believe they are not perpetrators of racism, and white people as perpetrators who mostly do not know that they are also victims. Its an incredibly efficient system. It rewards hued people with a lot of language to express their victimhood and it rewards white people with symbols of a privileged status and some advantages (mostly) when in competition with hued people.

I wanted attendants to wake up to the truth and mechanisms of institutional racism so they would no longer be triggered into behaving according to the prescribed perpetrator or victim role.

These roles are trauma induced and are traumatizing. A situation occurs that triggers a racialized response. It hits the body and we enter our trauma prison. The exact ramifications depends on how deep the situation is in the hands of 'an institution'. If its in medical or a law institution then a hued life can be in peril. If it occurs far from a governing institution a white life can 'feel' in peril. The social power structure governs the severity of the outcome, which is why there is not as much actual harm to white bodies, as white bodies feel may come their way.

All the time I was writing my workshop my Chakras were spinning well and I could feel the difference. I had spent the last 5 years wishing to not be in THE UK, and this dissatisfaction had vanished and a greater sense of belonging and safety was growing in me.

In the early part of the global retreat I became aware that racism was kinda off the media institution 'table' but I knew it couldn't last, so I predicted a few things.

1. It would begin with a story the brings fear to hued people
2. Followed by violence against hued bodies
3. Followed by death.

1st story (I became aware of) P Diddy's zoom with a who's who cast to announce that COVID was now killing hued people in America.

2nd story; Hued people in China being violently at times man handled and accused of spreading COVID and kicked out of their dwellings .

3rd story: A hued man shot on camera while jogging in America. Close examination of the footage showed it was a hoax (that part didn't make it into mainstream news)

4th story GEORGE FLOYD

We all took in the news. I avoided the full video, but witnessed the 1st frame of a smiling white officer
with his knee on George Floyd's neck (while his face was also turned to camera) Bang !! As a lapsed filmmaker I also could not help but notice the perfect capturing of the scene on the phone. I have an interest in metaphysics and the occult and noticed the large number of symbolisms, especially the correspondence between the 1st frame of the murder and the biblical picture of St Michael with a knee on the neck of the devil. Interestingly this scene is depicted on the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George British order of Knighthood medal. I kid you not. Check out the picture.

There wasn't a hued man, woman or child with smart phone who wasn't triggered!! Unhelpful destructive hormones cancer cells ran rampant, hot tears, anger, defeat, self hate, shame and white fear flooded the body and rendered, peace of the mind non existent and brought on grief.

My brother informed us that our Chakras had become unaligned. I could feel it in myself and I struggled with the causes of racism, my feelings about this racist world and the disappointment in individual white friends lack of or depth of engagement in the issue at hand.

I knew white people were triggered too. The active racist, triggered into deepening their self destructive lie that this was some how right. If you dont think it was self destructive we should look at what happens to the body when you hate. I saw a paralysis rise in huge section of white people who simply shut down. Believe me when i say there's nothing good going on in those bodies either. I also saw the helplessness in those whites who rose to do the work by joining Black Lives Matter, putting up black squares as a status on Facebook and starting valuable dialogues at work, but after a while something somewhere did not quite seem right, none of the efforts really really seemed to work and wee all slowly settled back to normality.

The beauty of the racism machine is it gets to add another story to its large pantheon of racist events, these events make it harder to get to why the machine does this. In fact each atrocity further ensures that we look further in the wrong direction. I look at you and you look at me or look away, the divisions between us deepen. I'm further in victimhood and have a few more words and phrases to express it. Black Lives Matter is the new buzzword. You feel further entrenched in the fallacy of advantage and privilege and the machine digs on.

There is a metaphysical angle as to why it works. As I look at you and blame
and you look at him and blame, we further strengthen the division and add to the strength of the machine. The fuel of the machine is division, othering. It controls us by pointing a finger at someone else. It makes us feel weirdly better because its their fault. They did it ! And we hide our shame and cowardice.

In our continuing Chakra work my brother kept on saying 'the division we see on the outside is a reflection of the division we have on the inside' I understood it intellectually, but

"Its still THEM ! I mean. How was I being racist ?

Taking radical responsibility through the Hawaiian practice of Ho oponopono, The work by Byron Katie and studying the Hermetic principles of Thoth slowly started to reveal a truth and my brother's assertions started to gain a foot hold in my body. Its a process of taking ownership of what I feel and believe in the moment and working through it with the tools / modalities listed above till they were clear out of my body.

Little did I know that clearing the pain reveals and clears the racist within. The racist within is small, it hides behind big feelings like pride, self riotousness, loss of self, anger, grief, identity. It really stings the first time you approach it. It feels so big that you're not  sure that you can contain it. Then you look at it and its gone.

Becoming conscious to what rises within me frees me to act with integrity, speed, clarity, ingenuity, cunning and justice. Until the next time it rises and I go through the process and do it all over again.  

By being afraid of racism, racism has been able to throw one into fragility or rage by the meer mention of its name, or a revelation of its character. We've fed and protected this Egregore and allowed it to grow and fester. Its a cancer that can only be cut out by locating where it is in YOUR body, exorcising it and doing it again every time it comes back, within you and all around you.

The root cause of racism is in every phone, computer, wedding ring, chocolate bar, fashionable outfit, flowers, medicines and wigs. By hiding from the racism inside us we are easily triggered into fragility, projection, pain, anger, fear and self loathing and we miss an opportunity to change ourselves and be able release the energy that will change the world.

The hermetic law of Correspondence says 'as above so below' as within so without" everything is in everything. Energy does not die, it is transmuted. When I see a division in the world then that means there is a division in man which means I have to find the division in me and heal that rift. The law of vibration and synchronicity shows that we attract what we believe, so what do you really believe ?

I'm trying everyday to stop dancing with the racist in me. Sometimes I come across a sad individual who would love to project their self hate onto Me, but I'm learning not to let their  key open the door to my heart. (Thank you Nana Evans for that analogy)

How is  my root Chakras now?
The last time my brother looked he said I have a good spin in the right direction with these short breaks, so that means there is more work to do and I am happy to keep doing the work to become whole.

I find myself more energized by frequencies of love, freedom and an expansive imagination to think differently about the challenges in education, health, the law and the environment.  I cant even imagine the solutions that will pour out of us once we are whole again !

At this present time Racism is a sea made of divisions, we can occupy our time with the task of trying to remove the salt from the sea or we can learn to sail.

The Hermetic Principles of Thoth presented by Yaw  Fosu  
all you need to know about chakras. Presented by Yaw Fosu


  1. I havent event got the time to express what is concerning about this article.

  2. Fantastic and well balanced discussion points to further explore. I found the article has captured the various components which create and contribute to creating a falsehood of white supremacy. In turn black people feed often quite too well into the narrative of whatever their status has ascribed them to be. Theres many ancient teachings as you note that we need to return to to become grounded and mentally unchained. However, some populations are completely stripped of their basic needs so opportunity for health and growth has been defined by their environment.


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