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Showing posts from December, 2020

Why Im No Longer Dancing with Racism

  This story begun after the George Floyd killing. Prior to that day Id been enjoying the global retreat, working on my Chakras by grounding, affirmations and meditating like a monk. Why? Because my brother is a healer who realigns Chakras which helps to rewire your brain. We as siblings had been using the time to do some concentrated inner work. According to my brother's gifts black women can have a more stagnant root chakra, so i was determined to get mine aligned and in good working order, after all if the foundations are not good then the rest of the building is not safe. At the same time i had noticed that for the first 3 to 4 weeks into the global retreat there had been no racism stories in the press, this coupled with the restrictions in work and travel brought an even more welcome relief from racism. My friends and family discussed in happy tones the sense of relief to be in this new reality. Do you remember that at the start of the COVID story, they said that black p