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We can return to the singularity LOVE every day

I have an inner knowing that we have already transended the 3rd dimension
I think it happened 1000s & 1000s of years ago.

A decision was made to dupe the world through deep trauma to make us believe that all living things were not important and evolved. We were tricked to believe that technology was the key to our asension and only a few who were learned through a particular linage of schooling could conjure the technology that proved our assention beyond the confines of nature.

But first they had to tramatice populations, through violence, waves of slavery, oppression and rape. Anything that would keep humanity in constant fear. The facets of the singularity was made into modes of polarity and opposition.

Prehaps 1000s of years ago is when it begun in reality. There is evidence of many many populations that were leaders in the true knowledge of the world and universe being killed off, by nuclear weapons and unknown to us now forces.

Later in times we remember in books healers, seers and Shaman were killed and tortured untill it became too dangerous to live in the world as part of a reality creating singularity. So people embraced a submissive opositional duality in the world and in themselves.
This made the perfect space for the creation of an omnipotent god who literally divided and ruled like a scared king and not a creator of worlds and nature.

Before the worship of an omnipotence. Most cultures believed in a singularity expressed in all its diamentions, oppositions and similies. The front of the back, the left to the right, the up to the down. These were not opositional they were relational, but truma divides the mind.

The mind splits under truma. A new skin made out of the memory grows over the trumatized self and the rest of the self is left to carry on growing. And the split of truma self also builds and grows, manifesting attributes, a personality and Expression born out of trauma.

Soon you have 2 selves in the same body, often acting in oposition to the higher good of the whole, but its actions make total 'self preservation' sense.

Once duality was created that entity grew making two wherever there was one and putting both sides to war and it sucked up the energy created in the friction and grew and grew till the tiniest things could be split in two to release huge explosions of energy.

But the duality is unstable because its not true. Its an illusion. For a while the world was persuaded to believe in concepts that did not make sense and went against the nature of the universe and since we are co
creators we created the lie.

But like all lies it cannot defeat the truth for too long. Remember duality is like the front and back.

As long as you have the front, observers will know that there is a back. We experience it. You can tell stories that say that the back is other, its evil and against nature, but a peep behind by the observer reveals the relationship of back to the front. The lie of the evil nature of the back is only true to the believer of stories and not to the observer of actualities.

The modalities used to hold the attention, gaze and imagination of populations came into its own with the creation of story telling symbols and then the written word.
These concepts became entities 'believed' by populations under duress and disinfranchisment. The more learned you became in the arts of the new natrative the more elevated your position in society. The more you were revered as the one who knew and the more power you wielded to do harm.
Part of embracing of the lie and a means to survive the time of duality was to help to create more dualities that inturn creates more oppositional energy for the duality entity to suck up and grow. So many instituations and momuments to division grew in stature, importance and power.

So man was divided from animal, was divided from wisdom plants, was divided from nature, all humanity divided from the land, divided from sustenance. Land divided from water, woman divided from her gifts, man divided from woman, parents from children, people divided from the whole earth and given a slice of land, then divided from that and made to labour before recieving shelter, food, a mate, off spring. Soon we were divided from all parts of our physical and spiritual life, but its hard to keep the dividing going. The division entity needs more and more energy because each new division needs policing and its truma constantly reactivating so the new creation can not see past its trauma to the truth. So we live in an atmosphere of fear and anger.

Its like constantly doubling the number of unrul 3 year olds you need to look after. You need more 3 year olds everyday but you really cant control them all, so you have to find ways to get them to control themselves. But its still really hard because we are constantly evolving and trying to become part of the singularity because this is our nature.

The singularity of life is the only truth and all we need to do to end the duality is to reject the duality everytime, everywhere it comes up in everything, inside and outside. We reject it by accepting it as part of us by taking responsibility for it. We apologise for our part in creating the enviroment for its exsistance. Ask ourselves for forgivness. Thank ourselves for the oportunity to find and neutralise and make whole an aspect of the duality and give ourselves love. Love is the enviroment for the singularity to express its self in inspiration.

The Mauris, ancient Chinese, sages from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and beyond all say the same thing.

The route through this existence is to be reaquinted with the singularity.

The modality I'm learning is recruiting the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono in the face of all dualities.

Ho'oponopono mantra

Forgive me, im sorry, thank you, i love you.


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