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We can return to the singularity LOVE every day

I have an inner knowing that we have already transended the 3rd dimension I think it happened 1000s & 1000s of years ago. A decision was made to dupe the world through deep trauma to make us believe that all living things were not important and evolved. We were tricked to believe that technology was the key to our asension and only a few who were learned through a particular linage of schooling could conjure the technology that proved our assention beyond the confines of nature. But first they had to tramatice populations, through violence, waves of slavery, oppression and rape. Anything that would keep humanity in constant fear. The facets of the singularity was made into modes of polarity and opposition. Prehaps 1000s of years ago is when it begun in reality. There is evidence of many many populations that were leaders in the true knowledge of the world and universe being killed off, by nuclear weapons and unknown to us now forces. Later in times we remember in b