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Showing posts from March, 2021


Pride in London​ NEW OFFICAL STATEMENT We Pride in London are prepared to acknowledge that after 500 years of worldwide imperialism & capitalist based on inequality and division created by white organisations. It is likely that we have behaved in racist and unequal ways towards POC. We are in contact with Dr Robin DiAngelo the author of 'White Fragility' and Jane Elliot to help us to understand where and how our racism rises and most importantly what we can do about it. We also acknowledge that as an institution that has not been able to listen to black and POC who have been in the organisation for many years it is best that we get white people to teach us where we have gone wrong as we are unlikely to be able to handle news of our racist behaviour from POC. We are now ready to start a full 3 month in-depth anti racism course and really look forward to being the first British institution to admit to racism and did the work required to stamp it out. We apologise